Tuesday, February 18, 2014

How to hack your symbian mobile

Now we are share to you How to hack you symbian mobile!!!!!!
Its too easy to hack your phone..

First question why hack your symbian mobile??
ans: If you hack your mobile you can do anything to your mobile..you customize your set to your own chose... so don't waste your time.. if you want to hack your phone.. then lets start!! :)

At First Download This File

Now extracted its to your phone.. then install 3 software in your mobile..

1. Norton Symbian Hack.
2. Rom Patcher.
3. Y browser. (extra)

Now open Norton Symbian Hack and following screen shot : 1



Now You showing on 3 Quarantine list your phone..


Now Restore all your file.. and go back home menu...
Now open rom patcher..
you showing on 3file... on Rom patcher..
Go option> All patches> Apply.
Your phone is now hacked :)

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