Sunday, April 6, 2014

Today we are share to you how to root symphony w68 and install custom recovery. Its important for new android user. If you install CWM. you can backup your stock room and flash any custom firmware for w68.
If you backup your custom room when brick your set for your any fault you can restore your backup file and your set again properly on. So its too important for any new android user.
So lets start how to root your w68 and install CWM.

First time you saw my post, How to Root w68

After complete your Device Rooted. Then install CWM.
Now we are showing on how to install CWM (Custom Recovery)

At first Download Mobile Uncle Tool
and install it.
After Complete install.
Download CTR Recovery

After complete download CTR recovery then open this file and extract it.
Now you saw a File Recovery.img
put this file your android SD card, Not put any folder just put outside in SD card.

Now open Mobile Uncle tool and show this screenshot.

Now click Recovery update... Off your mobile Data Connection.

Now you saw a Recovery.img. Click this and press Ok.

Now Reboot your mobile. And press volume up and power button.
Now saw your CWM :)



  1. VAi symphony w71 er jonno kicho nai

    1. ha bro ache..amra apnar model er jonno recovery update korbo khub sighroi...

  2. vaia stock rom backup ki aivabe korbo naki ata onno kisu

    1. bro ata dia recovery install kore backup er kaj alada :)

  3. Vai symphony z2 er kichu ki ase? i need a firmware.

  4. vai Facebook, Skype chole na kano????????/

  5. Symphony W68Q er jonno kichu ase ??

  6. vi boot menu te wipe korar porer option paitasi na help
